published 2019.10.18

reading time 4m

author Evgerable

The Universe of Heroes: Chapter II

Hey hey, good afternoon!

It’s been a long time since I post for the first time here, let’s try something

The Universe of Heroes: Chapter II is 2+ months in active development, what are we doing all this time you may ask? I will be brief:

1: Preparation Stage [Completed]

This is the first stage of the development, and it collects various work from the creation of storytelling to the structure of the entire project (its components and so on)

One of the best parts at this stage was working with Yurie, a girl from Japan. Her voice you will soon hear in the project teaser, which will be released soon!

She’s sweet, believe me

She’s sweet, believe me

2: Mapping Stage [Completed]

It’s a very important stage where maps come to life! To be honest, for me this stage began in 2018… I tried and worked on the concepts for a long time. Then Ciyus joined me, and after a while, I took Moko to project. I am thrilled to work with the old team!

Remaaaaaaaaps >_<

Remaaaaaaaaps >_<

3: Hitsounding Stage [Completed]

SoundForge is back! I’ve hitsounded almost every part of the long song with unique sounds! Now thanks to SoundForge the project size is 100+ Mb haha! Also, I asked Dora, a member of the Space Invaders team, to help me a little with hitsounding on one small part of the song. Look forward to the final result :)

A small piece of the SoundForge txt file :o

A small piece of the SoundForge txt file :o

4: Graphics Stage [On the Way]

This is the most difficult stage of development. It’s where I am now! Good news: the project teaser is done and I am preparing to upload it soon. Bad news: I have some irl cases so the whole development process was slowed down. Given today’s development progress, the release of the project rescheduled from November to December… ;(

One of the WiP Map Showcase scenes

One of the WiP Map Showcase scenes

5: Official Project Page (Release Page) [On the Way]

I am working on it beside the graphics stuff, btw you can check out the Universe of Heroes new page now! Warning: it’s unfinished~!